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Why Publish With BookBaby?

Our team of publishing experts have helped 50,000+ independent authors across every genre to create, publish and distribute their books around the globe.

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Why publish with BookBaby?

Here are just a few of the reasons to partner with BookBaby on your publishing journey:

Publishing experts you can count on

Our publishing specialists are here for you by phone and email to provide the advice, answers and support you need on your way to a published book. Learn more

Your book — for sale everywhere

Reach readers worldwide with the world’s widest distribution network, including 60+ eBook retail stores across 170 countries and Print On Demand. Learn more

Your one-stop author shop

Get all the essentials to your publishing dreams in one place, from editing and design, to printing, publishing, and marketing. Learn more

Every genre in all popular trim sizes

Shape your book into any popular hardcover or softcover trim size, complete with your choice of binding style, cover finish, paper stock, and black & white or full-color printing. Learn more

High payouts as compared to the industry

High payouts as compared to the industry

We take zero commission when you sell your book through our retail partners, including Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, and more leading bookstores.

Make more money selling direct to your readers

You get your own custom e-commerce page for your book on BookBaby’s Bookshop. Sell printed and eBooks directly to readers, and earn higher royalty payouts than anywhere else. Learn more

Start with just one book

Test our printing with a retail-quality proof for $99. This copy is an exact version of your finished books, made with the same equipment in the same print shop. Learn more

Member of IBPA

The Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) is a nonprofit membership organization serving and leading the independent publishing community through advocacy, education, and tools for success. Learn more

Member of Alliance of Independent Authors

The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) is a global membership association for self-published authors. As a nonprofit, their mission is ethics and excellence in self-publishing. Learn more

Printed in the USA

We control quality and turn times by printing 98% of our orders right in our own shop. Learn more

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

If you're not thrilled with our work—whether it's eBook conversion, cover design, or print quality—we'll work with you until you are. That's our publishing promise to you.